The Centre For Peoples Involvement (C.P.I.) is a Non-Governmental Development Agency for young Activists and development practitioners committed to providing the structural and intellectual capacity needed by people at the grassroots, to peacefully
mobilize their communities and pursue the collective development goals that will
improve their living conditions OUR
A generation of common people who are conscious of
their civic rights and responsibilities and can organize themselves peacefully
to articulate their cause and unite to contribute meaningfully to the integral
development of their Communities, States and Nation, in a manner that is
commensurate to their intrinsic dignity and the values of their communal life.
To provide sustainable platforms for
partnership between Communities, Governments and Development Agencies by mobilizing
and equipping the people at the grassroots with the intellectual and structural
capacity they need to dialogue and proffer solutions to the Social, Economic
and Political issues affecting them, through sensitization, training, referral and linkage with sources of assistance.
- Integrity
- Diligence
- Justice
- Charity
- Excellence